

Pree d'erigne, 49610 Murs-Erigne, France, Mûrs-Erigné

🛍 Vin, Thé, Boissons, Végétarien, Bière*

4.5 💬14 Bewertungen


Découvre la magie de L'embarquement à Pree d'erigne, 49610 Murs-Erigne, France, Mûrs-Erigné. Ce bistrot renommé enthousiasme les clients avec un menu impressionnant conçu pour les ravir. Notre restaurant 4.5 incarne la perfection culinaire, comme en témoignent les 12 commentaires élogieux de nos clients. C'est plus qu'un repas, c'est une symphonie de saveurs. Tu veux vivre l'expérience d'un repas à la maison ? Visite http://lembarquement.canalblog.com, un bistrot en ligne et commande en un clic.



Miss Lura Armstrong
Miss Lura Armstrong

cuisine originale et principalement végétarienne; proposition de vins de vignerons locaux; accueil moyen tant par le personnel que par la...More

Menu Menu

Appelle +33670073138 pour des questions ou des prix. Le menu complet de L'embarquement à Mûrs-Erigné!

Tous les prix sont des estimations.


Lina Morissette
Lina Morissette

Ce lieu qui était tres conviviales est fermé depuis plus de 1 anC'était un bar restaurant végétarien au bord du louet qui proposait des animations et concert.

Sadie Erdman
Sadie Erdman

Cela va faire plus de deux ans que l'embarquement a quitté les bord du LOUET une bonne petite table style guinguette ecolodge qui était très agréable en famille et entre amis.

Dorris Gottlieb
Dorris Gottlieb

J'ai découvert cet endroit par promo Facebook suite à l'incendie criminel de leurs infrastructures en début de saison 2014.Il s'agit d'une structure associative proposant un espace bar/détente/resto écolo/alterno/participatif.En est en bord de Louet, le cadre est super joli, y'a des vieux canapé partout, des chaises et tables de récup' agencées avec soin et bon gout, La serveuse est nature, le cuistot pied nu, y'a un potager d'aromates et de fleurs comestibles, des toilettes sèches, une yourte pour les gamins et j'en passe.La première impression de squat pour baboss' à toutou passée on commande à boire et à manger et là vraiment grosse surprise. La cuisine est subtile, délicate et parfumée, les quantités sont tout à fait correctes tout comme les tarifs.J'y suis allé 3 fois cet été et j'ai convaincu un collègue carnivore de droite qui y est allé en famille et qui a été conquis.Les + : Cadres; cuisine végé mais on s'en rend pas compte; rapport Q/P; Esprit de l'endroitLes - : Prévoir le répulsif anti moustique; Une serveuse un poil lunatique; musique une fois un peu forte (mais ne pas hésiter à demander de baisser). Attention, bail de la mairie non renouvelé pour l'année prochaine, ils partiront pour un autre endroit. J'ai entendu parlé de Rochefort sur Loire mais sans confirmation.Hâtez vous !!

Dr. Keagan Grant
Dr. Keagan Grant

I stayed in the Loire for three weeks doing research about wine, and this place, which I visited several times, was a highlight of my stay. It is a really funny place, with a very eccentric ethos. The food is all vegetarian, and when the weather is hot the chef decides that it should be vegan. There is only one serving, pretty much, because this place is very informal and unpredictable, so it is important to get there early and be prepared to wait as long as it takes, which can be a very long time. This is not a negative point. This is not a restaurant. It is a ganguette. It is genuine, even to an extreme. This place should be classified as an "experience" not as a restaurant. That said, the food is excellent. It is prepared with care and skill and love by a person who is incredibly passionate and committed to his calling in life. The wines are great (as well as the selection of beer and non alcoholic drinks) from local producers, who could be considered even cult producers since their wines are not really available on the open market because their production levels are so small. The atmosphere is just so cool, with second hand furniture and all kinds of kitsch scattered along the river bank like a vintage showroom or some of kind of art installation. The people who go here are part of the scenery. Despite all this high art, this place is really comfortable and relaxing and is a great place to spend the afternoon and the evening just hanging out, or even working on your computer. It has an outlaw atmosphere which is part of its genuine charm.

Prof. Jessie Abernathy
Prof. Jessie Abernathy

I was in the Loire for three weeks and researched wine, and this place I visited several times was a highlight of my stay. It is a really funny place, with a very eccentric ethos. The food is all vegetarian, and if the...weather is hot, the cook decides that it should be vegan. There is only one portion, quite a lot, because this place is very informative and unpredictable, so it is important to get there early and wait as long as it takes what can be very long. This is not a negative point. It's not a restaurant. It's a ganguette. It's real, even extreme. This place should not be classified as an experience as a restaurant. That said the food is excellent. It is prepared with care and skill and love by a person who is incredibly passionate and committed to his vocation in life. The wines are great (as well as the selection of beer and non-alcoholic beverages) by local producers who could also be regarded as cult producers, as their wines are not really available on the open market because their production levels are so small. The atmosphere is just as cool, with second furniture and all kinds of kitsch scattered along the river bank like a vintage showroom or a kind of art installation. The people who go here are part of the landscape. Despite all this high art, this place is really comfortable and relaxing and is a great place to just hang the afternoon and the evening, or even work on your computer. It has a forbidden atmosphere that is part of its real charm.